Friday, 21 October 2011

Video on using Web 2.0 technologies in education

Diverting a little from the programme, but thought this worth sharing (especially if I can get the link to it to work!).

Thanks to @rgardner on Twitter for sharing it.

Teaching with web 2.0 technologies: Twitter, wikis & blogs - Case study

Friday, 7 October 2011


 iconO.K., so I am totally out of sync! Having already used Google Docs I thought I would move on to Dropbox to compare the two.  Took rather a long time to download, in fact I had just about given up and moved on to looking at Jing when it decided to open.

It seems to me that Google Docs has the advantage that a lot more people I know use it than use Dropbox, not that that is a reason to use GD if Dropbox is better. We in the team in the library are currently looking at Sharepoint as well, so that would also be added to the list.  I think Dropbox does look an easy to use and useful resource and will look initially at using it for saving documents which I regularly update both at work and in the house.


Have skipped a little here though will come back to the missed 'Things'.  Took a look at Prezi the other day as it was being discussed in the library, so some non-work time playing around with it, at the end creating a first (extremely amateurish) Prezi with the subject being my chickens.  It looks great to work with though do not understand it yet, and is definitely something I would intend using at times as an alternative to Powerpoint.   Got to get my head round it first though.  As someone who has difficulty watching some Prezis because of the 'seasickness' effect, I can appreciate the problems, but can see they are not insurmountable.