Thursday, 21 July 2011

Current awareness - Twitter, RSS and Pushnote

First, Twitter

Will whisk through this one as I already use it for both library/professional information sharing and more personal interest (back to chickens, wildlife, etc.....)

Note the huge Twitter birdie. Not me being clever - more not being able to work out how to shrink it to size!

I find Twitter very good for picking up what other people have found useful, sharing these by ReTweeting, and passing on information myself. Took me a long while to work out you can create lists and not be totally snowed under with information, checking only what areas (which Tweets or fellow Twits) you want to check at any one time.

The recommended lists of groups to follow is handy so am now following some most relevant to me in my library work.

Next RSS feeds....

Again am already using Google Reader but find I have little spare time to check it properly - being in a half-time post does not help! I have now added the feeds to blogs suggested by cpd23 things.

Now for little Pushnote....

I have no idea why the Pushnote icon is teenzie-weenzie when the others are big!

Have now signed up for this but will have to do some work on it to decide how good it it. This will have to wait until another day I fear, though certainly looks a good idea.

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